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http://www.homestarrunner.com/tgs2.html |
Highlights of this issue: Pretty much everything, really. The “she got hurt” / “Thomas hit her with a bat” contradiction is one of my favorites, but so is the “SWOOP! GRASPED!” thing. …And “you must be girls.” And what’s up with Cheerleader and The Ugly One saying that they got jealous when clearly they were just stolen away by a vulture and a bat? It’s that kind of nonsense that I like best about Teen Girl Squad, more so than the violent and unexpected deaths. Those can be really funny sometimes (the “CHILDREN!” thing from this issue was amazing), but I’ve never considered them the highlight of the series. But by now I’ve already parroted every funny quote from this toon without saying anything interesting about it, so let’s move on. And speaking of unexpected deaths… fingers.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail63.html |
Going back to the main subject though, I must say this is a pretty clever way of dealing with the ever-present boxing gloves emails. I was fine with them just remaining as a running gag, but I feel like this is kind of the logical conclusion to it. There’ll still be references to it later on, but this is the email that put the final nail in the coffin for the most part. Ok, maybe I shouldn’t have used that metaphor with all the dead Strong Sads around.
Now I wouldn’t feel right if I finished talking about this email without pointing out some useless trivia first, so take a seat on my knee and allow me to share my knowledge. First off, there’s the email at the beginning that says “Yo Strongbad. What’s crackin?”. In a certain future email that I won’t completely spoil right now (but people familiar with the site should remember), the word “crackin” is taken and used for … um, things. Except it was never actually said out loud in this email, which is kind of weird, and the only reason I’m pointing it out. On a much less obscure and hard-to-not-spoil note, Homestar’s foam finger turns into a baseball glove during the fadeout. And also, the “Moving Very Slowly” song was different in the original version of this email. It used to have no lyrics, but then the song was actually expanded upon for the Strong Bad Sings CD, so they went back and added it in.
Between fingers and the next email, english paper, there was a funky little thing added to the main page called Super Brave!!, which is about as important to the site’s history as Happy T! was, but hey, I might as well point it out at least briefly. It’s basically just a glorified “Weekly Fanstuff” from before that became a thing, where some kids from Japan show off their drawings of Homestar. No other context is given. But now that I’ve brought it up, I’ve actually been wondering how I should handle the Weekly Fanstuff, Sketchbook, and unique Quote of the Day updates. They don’t really start until 2004, and the majority of them are probably not worth talking about at any length, but should I like, compile them all into one post, add them at the end of normal posts, or just ignore them entirely? Feedback would be appreciated. But yeah, next up is english paper.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail64.html |
Arguably more interesting than the paper itself is the little side story of Homestar putting Strong Bad’s breakfast burrito onto an online auction. Clicking “The Cheat’s allowance” in the paper at the end of the email will lead you to a fake auction page, which is funny in its own right, but there was apparently another version of this that actually took place on eBay. Rather than copy and paste the whole description of it from the wiki, I suggest you just go to the page itself and read it there if you’re interested. There doesn’t seem to be an existing archive of it, unfortunately. So once you're done looking that stuff up, we can check out unused emails.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail65.html |
Bubs’s spamvertisement is pretty great too. It seems to be a nice blend of genuine spam and pointless chain letters (email this to 50 people or else a heron will fly into your kitchen and make a mess of your pots and pans!). Plus it has a picture of a tape dispenser, which you can change to a couple other equally pointless pictures. But moving on from email gags, I suppose the highlight of this would have to be Strong Bad body slamming the computer desk for no reason whatsoever other than to be dramatic, and breaking his clavicus majorus in the process. Which, by the way, was actually a line from the unfinished toon Tis True, Pom Pom, Tis True. It was weird when I first watched that and thought they just reused the line, but then I realized that it was never planned to be released, so they probably just pulled the joke from it rather than let it go to waste.
One final pointless thing for me to share about this one: When I was in junior high, I designed a bunch of cards with Homestar characters on them, and planned on sticking them in random lockers throughout the school to basically advertise the site. Each card had a quote from the character on the back, and the one I chose for Strong Mad was “THIS ONE’S NOT THE CRANE! THIS ONE IS THE CRANE!!!”. Clearly I had picked that from memory and did not do any kind of fact-checking, because Strong Mad says nothing of the sort in this toon. Completely pointless, I know, but I just felt like sharing my own ineptitude. Let’s go check out what Homestar’s been up to in the show.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail66.html |
Tori and her friends from the volleyball tounament do raise a good point though. While Homestar does show up more frequently than most other characters, he used to be the star of the show, and not just the star of The Show. (lol c wut i did thar) This is nothing new, I’ve mentioned this plenty of times in the past (and it’s kind of obvious anyway), but I do have to wonder why he got pushed to the sidelines in the first place. I guess Strong Bad just has more staying power, and it’s probably easier to write “mean” humor than “dumb” humor. Don’t get me wrong, dumb humor can be very easy to write, but it’s also easier to go wrong and be unfunny. Homestar’s random list at the end is, in my opinion at least, a great example of dumb humor done well. It’s not just like HEY
Oh right, and there was a Marshie commercial in this too. Some good lines came out of that, like the “shiver with flavor, SHIVER WITH FLAVOR” thing, and of course “first one to eat a million, wins”, but if you hated Marshie’s first appearance, you’re probably going to hate this one too. Or if you liked the first one, then yeah. But enough about Marshie, nobody likes him. Where’s the Stinkoman and Trogdor stuff? … Actually, that’s exactly what’s next. First, 20X6 vs. 1936.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/20x6vs1936.html |
Now, would I like to see a scenario where Stinkoman was put into the 1936 setting? Possibly, depending on the way it was handled. There actually is a toon with more mix-and-match alternate universe stuff going on, but to my recollection, it doesn’t do that particular swap. I’m fine with this as a one-off toon though. I still wish there was more 20X6 material in general, but that’s another story. So where does Trogdor come in to all of this? Well, he wasn’t part of that toon obviously, but there was another one released on the same day, which was actually more of an advertisement than anything else. An ad for what, you say? An Arcade Game, of course. You’d know that if you had just read the title, jeez.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/arcadegame.html |
And… yeah. That’s it for now, methinks. It took me way longer than predicted to edit that video. Next time… probably a bunch of SBEmails. Just a guess.