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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail19.html |
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail20.html |
Overall, I’d call this one repetitive, but enjoyable. I can’t say any one of these emails is that great on its own (though the “crap” one was kinda funny, and I like the reference to tape-leg being pathetic), but having them all in a row like this worked out pretty well. I do like the “DELETED!” running gag, and it will definitely be seen outside of this email in the future. There’s just a simple pleasure that comes from the loud BRAAAAP noise, and I’ve somehow come to take it for granted and not think about how weird it would be if a computer actually did that. I just like how Strong Bad asked for some “good ones” at the end of the last email, and these completely failed to deliver. So does the next one, as a matter of fact. It’s the incredibly generically titled cartoon.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail21.html |
The only other thing I could really say about this one is to point out the irony that most of these early SBEmails have featured Strong Bad as the only character, and they still came out pretty good. They didn’t have him doing commentary over it though, so there is a difference. I’m trying to think of cartoons I’ve seen with only one character throughout the whole thing, and usually they don’t turn out particularly good. If it’s just someone talking about something else, like what SBEmails do, then it’s fine. But if it’s watching a day in the life of some person without any interaction with others, then yeah, it’s probably going to be pretty boring. Alright, now prepare yourselves for some weirdness in this next one. It’s simply called sb_email 22.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail22.html |
I feel like this is almost more of a bonus episode than one of the normal run of SBEmails, mainly because of its extremely short runtime and abrupt ending. Now, if you haven’t seen it yet, there is more to this after the newspaper shows up. Click on “press conference” at the end to see an additional scene, and then you can click on the papers for an additional Easter egg. I can’t say I’ve ever found this one to be particularly funny (though the “screw all y’all” was a great statement, I have to give it credit for that), and I’m not British, so I can’t even pretend to be offended by this, so yeah. That’s pretty much my synopsis of this email. It has its place in the site’s history, yes, and it’s a nice little jab at actual banned episodes (which are often banned for stupid reasons, like the Family Guy episode that was allegedly anti-Semitic even though it really wasn’t), but it’s not laugh-out-loud funny. The next one, on the other hand, kind of is, at least in my opinion. So going back to the original upload order, here’s little animal.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail23.html |
I’d try to say something else about this email, but this is another really short one, and there’s just not enough substance to commentate on. I do like the comedic timing on both of the kicks, and the futility of Strong Bad’s situation once Graw Mad shows up. Yes, I’m going to call him Graw Mad, you can’t stop me. But as I cannot stress enough, I am not a professor of comedy, and I have no place to critique it, all I can give is my own opinion. And my opinion is that this email is incredibly simplistic and kind of stupid, but funny. And next, we have an email about swearing. Kind of. Very classy. Whatever. the bird.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail24.html |
The one other thing I will bring up is the stupidity of this concept in real life. I understand that flipping someone off is the equivalent of swearing, but I don’t understand why the media feels the need to blur it out. With actual cursing, I understand the need to do it. It’s so offensive language can be cut out of the audio when played for a general audience, and so kids don’t pick up on the language. But here, it’s a finger. If they blurred out the whole hand to avoid having kids do it to each other all the time, that would be one thing, but usually they just blur out just the one finger. It’s not like there’s anything to hide there, it’s just stupid. But whatever, I’ve given this way too much thought. Why couldn’t this one have gotten banned for content instead of sb_email 22? Oh well. Let’s just cleanse our palettes with super powers.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail25.html |
Strong Bad’s power here is never seen again, for the record. It would have been nice to see it come back once in a while just as an in-joke or bit of continuity, but I suppose there’s not much else you can do with it. Homestar and Coach Z are definitely the highlight of this one though. I like scenes like this where you’re hearing the second half of a conversation. Maybe it’s just because you can bring them up in real life and have it make no sense at all, but it never made sense in the first place, so it’s slightly less stupid than your average out-of-context statement. Ok, maybe that’s a bad reason, but I’m sticking to it. Alright, just one more for today, let’s finish up with CGNU.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail26.html |
But yeah, the reference to those old commercials is pretty much the one thing this email is leaning on for comedy. Some of the subjects were pretty funny too (I like “cutting ones” and “sending me a dollar”), but I imagine that some of the effect would be lost if you’re not sure what it’s referring to. All in all, I wouldn’t consider this one of the best emails, and I probably wouldn’t list it in my top 5 from the first 40, but it’s still pretty solid overall.
Alright, well that’ll do it for right now. I know I’ve still gotta go back and look at the crappy 2000 material that I skipped over, and I’ll be getting to that pretty soon. But next time I do still want to do some more SBEmails, because I have a specific stopping place in mind. I hope people aren’t getting too sick of these. If you’re like me and would rather watch the standard toons than these short, simplistic ones, then don’t worry, we’re almost out of the woods. I guess you could say that Strong Bad will stop simply answering emails and being funny without some sort of gimmick. And some people may miss those days. But I’m not really one of them, so bring on the gimmicks. We may be in for some explosive surprises.
I didn't think "The Bird" was that bad. It certainly wasn't any less funny than some of the other boring e-mails that had come out before it. And StrongBad's reaction to Homestar's obliviousness made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteI was looking for the e-mail where he uses his bottle-opening powers!
ReplyDeleteOnce again, great read. I've got a system where I pull up the episode alongside the stuff you've written about it, and listen / watch as I read your thoughts on it at the same time.
Tape-leg gets a really small throw-back in a much later e-mail, if I remember correctly.... Can't remember which one, but SB mumbles it really quick.
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