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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail27.html |
I also enjoy the part at the end where he complains about “crapfully yours” and its various alternative forms. I do like using that as a closing to messages (and also “eat a steak”), but seriously people, it’s not that funny. I’m not even sure how that got started. But I digress, because I do enjoy seeing Strong Bad getting all cheesed off over it whenever someone says it. But anyway, there’s not too much else to say about this one, so let’s move on to 1 step ahead.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail28.html |
Out of the three choices, I actually like the first one (“yes”) the best, and “maybe” the least. I don’t like the idea of covering Strong Sad in red ants, and the lack of an audible reaction to it is kind of upsetting. However, something is just funny about Strong Sad getting repeatedly pegged by dodgeballs and being unable to do anything about it. And then when you click on him at the end, you get a little minigame to mess around with. The only thing worth noting about that is that you can aim for the left side of his body, and then you’ll actually bounce the ball through the basketball hoop and get an extra point. And I guess I should probably say something about the last option… but too bad, I’m not going to. It sort of speaks for itself, honestly. And I’d rather just keep going and watch superhero name.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail29.html |
I’ll just go ahead and say it – Stiny is an awesome name. I actually used it for my Basculin in Pokémon White 2, up until I replaced it with a second Basculin named Stinym’n, which was implied to be the superhero alter ego of the original. Yeah, don’t ask. Let’s just ignore that and check out 12:00.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail30.html |
And uh… yeah. The rest of this one is kind of forgettable. The solution they come up with is pretty ingenious, I have to admit, but not the most practical thing for people who are also having this problem. Which I imagine is the majority of people who still have VCRs. And car clocks, for that matter. I hate having to mentally subtract 3 hours and 34 minutes from the time displayed on the clock in our car, but screw looking for the user’s manual. I’d much rather just duct tape The Cheat to the dashboard.
This email also has an Easter Egg in it, which you may have picked up on if you remember how to access Homsar’s character page. Just hit the Eject button, then click on the tape, and repeat to keep getting different labels. I’m too young to get most of the references, but alas. Next up is … oh hey, it’s actually not a SBEmail for once. So let’s take a short break from those and watch the equally as Strong Bad-centric toon known as The Interview.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/interview.html |
- I think Homestar walking by the window several times before coming in is probably my favorite gag in this. I don’t really know why, it’s just hilarious to me for some reason. Especially because he keeps coming from the same direction.
- And then right after that, the whole exchange with “I drove”, “yeah, you’re probably right”, and “brass tacks” is pure gold. This is exactly why I love Homestar.
- Homestar’s “resume” (pronounced incorrectly) is a grocery list that includes “five” and “dentifrice”.
- Strong Bad has an interest in baking (as we have seen before), as well as doing the Jumbles (as we will see in the future). Jumbles are a type of puzzle found in newspapers, for the record.
- Gotta love the fight between Strong Sad and The Cheat. It might even be more epic than the knife fight between Coach Z and Pom Pom on the stone bridge.
- *abruptly leaves and starts prancing around*

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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail31.html |
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail32.html |
So as for the meat of the email, I don’t really have a whole lot to say about the song itself (other than I like it, and it fits Strong Bad and his little dirt patch quite well), but the flag does deserve some comments. The first few times I saw this, I never really paid much attention to the colors and design of the stripes on the flag, but once it was pointed out to me, I find it weird that I never noticed. The brown and white represent the dirt and fence of Strong Badia, and the red probably represents Strong Bad himself. Then of course you’ve got the tire, which is sort of a given, seeing as how it’s the entire population of the area, the big knife, and for some reason a snake. Which says “Snake” on it. Because snakes are cool, I guess.
Lastly, there’s a few Easter eggs in this one, in case you haven’t gotten into the habit of clicking on the toon and holding Tab the entire time it plays (which you will probably want to start doing at some point, but I’ll keep pointing these out until they become a regular thing). For this one, you’ll want to click on “Pablo Phoenix” once Strong Bad starts talking about the name, and also click on The Cheat after Strong Bad’s coin goes away. I could probably say a few other things about this one, but it’s getting kinda long already, and I do want to do one last email today, so let’s finish strong with gimmicks.
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http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail33.html |
Ok, with that out of the way, the Tandy explodes. I know I just got done saying that there’s no story or continuity with this series, but Strong Bad’s computers are an exception to that. This is the beginning of the end of the Tandy era. The eventual switch to a new computer doesn’t really provide much of a difference in the way that emails are handled, but the switch does solidify the switch from the old simple style to the new, “gimmicky” one. It’s been slowly getting there for a while now, but this is an easily recognizable turning point of the series. And the delicious irony of all this is the fact that Mike W apparently did not want this change to happen, and yet it did in the most abrupt and unexpected way possible. I love it.
Well, I couldn’t ask for a better stopping point than this, so I’m going to take this opportunity to take a break from Strong Bad emails for a bit and focus on something else. Yes, it’s finally time to go back and look at some of the stuff I skipped over from 2000, plus some extra Museum junk and assorted riff-raff. Not all of it is completely boring, I think it’s actually quite interesting to see how the website has evolved over time. Hopefully most of you would agree with me, but if not, then look forward to some pretty decent SBEmails once I get back to the usual content. Just bear with me for a couple updates as I enjoy the inherent weirdness of the older material on the website.
Well if the site is gonna be centered on SBEmails from now on I would prefer for them to actually be toons with the other members of the cast in them. So naturally I much prefer the gimmicky style.
ReplyDeleteOh Flag Day, I remember that in my Animal Crossing: Wild World game, I made the Strong Badia flag for my town. Now that you mention the music, I'm going to have to make that tune my town's theme now! I'm greatly enjoying this look back at Homestar Runner Bikdip! It's like going back to when my friend showed me the site many years ago!
ReplyDeleteI've been a fan of the Homestar Runner stuff for a goodly time myself. It's really refreshing, seeing someone going back over it with fond memories, getting another perspective on stuff. Back in the days when they updated super-regularly... ah, those were the glory days.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the more gimmicky emails, too. The big full-toon productions are much nicer. :)